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The Benefits of Using a Standing Desk

The Benefits of Using a Standing Desk

Many companies and organizations across the United States have made the transition to standing desks. But why? Rather than sit in a chair for eight plus hours, employees can perform their responsibilities while standing up using a standing desk. This type of desk is most often adjustable, allowing users to customize it to their height as well as alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Learn about some of the benefits of using a standing desk to better understand why numerous people have made the switch. 

Reduce Back and Neck Pain

Spending long hours sitting at a desk can have negative effects on the body, some of which include pain in the back and neck regions. Muscles and joints can be strained if the computer monitor, keyboard, any other equipment are not positioned correctly. Lower back pain can be experienced if an individual does not practice proper posture while sitting. By utilizing a standing desk, less stress will be put on the back and neck, allowing for more comfort and improved physical health. 

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

People with sedentary jobs are more at risk of developing heart disease. By not moving our bodies for long periods of time, blood flow slows down, fat can be stored instead of used, and more. Using a standing desk can lower the risk of developing heart disease and promote more movement. 

Increase Productivity

Sitting all day can cause people to experience a loss of energy, which can then result in poor work performance. When people are tired and not focused, things do not get done. Standing on our feet keeps the blood flowing, allowing for us to be more attentive to tasks and feel more alert. Gone are the days of missed deadlines and unproductivity! 

Boost in Mood

Lastly, using a standing desk at work can help boost mood. With the decrease of physical stress on the body due to sitting, individuals are likely to see an increase in their mental state. Employees will likely feel happier and motivated, rather than feeling burnt out. 

Contact E3 for Help Selecting a Standing Desk and Other Ergonomic Equipment

These are just some of the benefits you can receive from investing in a standing desk for your workspace. If you are unsure about what type of standing desk you would like to purchase, contact the experts at E3! When it comes to creating a productive and safe work environment, we know exactly what it takes. Part of our ergonomic services includes office ergonomic design and the development of ergonomic workstations. In addition to implementing a standing desk, you may always want to consider looking at other ergonomic equipment, including chairs, keyboards, footrests, and more. By making these changes, employees are likely to see a great improvement in their health and wellbeing. 

In addition to the services mentioned above, we proudly offer other ergonomic programs, training programs, health and wellness consulting, software, and stress mapping. At E3, it is our goal to help make a difference for our clients and their employees, resulting in positive outcomes. Our team cares about your success and we hope to work with you soon!

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