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The Pros and Cons of Standing Desks

The Pros and Cons of Standing Desks

With the practice of workplace ergonomics on the rise, you may have come across standing desks. This innovative concept is changing the way we do desk jobs. Office workers are no longer confined to a sedentary workstation. Instead of sitting for 8+ hours a day, they can get on their feet and move around. No more achy necks, restless fidgeting, or sore tailbones. Interested in making the switch? Before you take the plunge, examine the pros and cons of standing desks to make sure you’re prepared for this work lifestyle change.

Benefits of a Standing Desk

There’s a reason standing desks are increasing in popularity. Here are the top advantages of a stand-up desk:

Improves Health

Sitting for long hours can have negative impacts on your health. You may endure back and neck pain as well as more serious musculoskeletal disorders. Sedentary lifestyles also lead to poor blood flow and heart disease. When you switch to a standing desk, you decrease your risk for these conditions and illnesses.

Boosts Mood

Our bodies were made to move. If you remain sitting for too long, you’ll begin to feel restless or even fatigued. This is partly why desk workers feel anxious, depressed, or unmotivated. When you get on your feet, you’ll experience a lift in your energy and mood. 

Increases Productivity

When you stand and move around, you keep your blood pumping. This can help you feel more alert and attentive. And without the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders, you won’t be distracted by pain. As a result, you’re more likely to be productive.

Drawbacks of a Standing Desk

As with anything else, there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to standing desks. If you make the switch, there are some disadvantages you need to consider: 

Requires More Energy

Standing uses about 20% more energy than sitting. Make sure you’re fueling your body with proper nutrition and taking breaks to recharge. You may also want to consider a sit-stand desk as an alternative. This desk adjusts from a sitting height to a standing height, allowing you to alternate positions throughout your day.

Can Cause Leg, Hip, and Foot Soreness

There’s a lot that goes into creating a proper ergonomic workstation. If you don’t carefully consider every aspect of your posture and position, a standing desk can ultimately lead to pain in your legs, hips, and feet. To avoid this, use a cushioned mat and invest in a supportive pair of shoes. Also, listen to your body! When you start to feel uncomfortable, switch to a sitting position.

Decreases Privacy in an Office

If you work in an office with cubicles, a standing desk could put you in everyone’s view. Some people dislike this reduction in privacy. You can solve this problem by installing desktop dividers or privacy panels.

Contact E3 Consulting to See if a Standing Desk Is Right For You

Now that you’ve done your research, you may be wondering if standing desks could work for you or your business. To take the next step, give the experts at E3 Consulting a call. We’ve designed our ergonomic programs to meet your unique needs. We’ll conduct a thorough audit of your work set up and customize a plan to reach your individual goals. When you purchase ergonomic equipment, like standing or sit-stand desks, your employees will feel valued, healthier, and ready to perform their responsibilities. Having the right tools and support truly makes a difference. To learn more about our ergonomic services or to get started, contact us today. We look forward to working with you to generate positive change within your workspace.

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