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Why Wellness Consulting is Important for Remote Workers

Why Wellness Consulting is Important for Remote Workers

With advancements in technology and changing workplace trends, telecommuting is becoming increasingly more popular. The recent global pandemic has also forced companies to move their work into the home. Though there are many benefits to remote work, such as lowering overhead costs and keeping germs at bay, it has its drawbacks, too. Lack of connection and face-to-face interaction can affect productivity. And improper workspaces can take a toll on one’s body. The good news is that wellness consulting can help. Here are 4 reasons why health and wellness programs are crucial for telecommuters.

1. Telecommuters Need Engagement

If a worker is out of sight, it’s easy for them to also be out of mind. When employees are out of touch, they often become withdrawn and unfocussed. They may also feel forgotten or unappreciated. Wellness consultations offer opportunities to engage with the company and connect with co-workers. Things like group fitness programs and scheduled zoom chats can help employees stay engaged and connected.

2. Working From Home Can Be More Stressful

Being on your own can be overwhelming for some. It can be difficult to stay focused and organized. And if an employee is working with family around, it can be even more challenging. Mindfulness training can offer employees a solution to their everyday stress. When people are trained to be aware of their thoughts and stress triggers, they can learn to control them. Mindfulness consulting can reduce anxiety and disorganization, lower blood pressure, improve brain function, and increase productivity. All of these things will create a more effective worker.

3. Isolation Encourages Poor Health Decisions

As we have seen from the COVID-19 pandemic, staying in can lead to excessive snacking and lack of exercise. Add extra stress to the mix and you’ll see an increase in unhealthy food intake. Our holistic nutrition consulting and corporate fitness programs can provide remote employees with the information and tools they need to keep their bodies healthy. The program also provides some accountability which will motivate them to stay on track. Healthy, energetic workers produce an active and robust business.

4. Remote Work Can Result in Improper Working Conditions

It may sound comfortable to work from your couch or bed, but these environments encourage laziness and lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Telecommuting appears to be the new normal for many companies so there’s no reason to keep working in temporary home office spaces. Investing in ergonomic consultations to create proper work environments will have a positive impact on the business as a whole. Ergonomic home offices keep remote workers comfortable, healthy, and productive which will, in turn, enhance the success of your business.

E3’s Wellness Consulting Will Benefit Remote Workers

A company owes its success to its staff. And in today’s business climate, many of those employees are telecommuters. If your remote workers are unwell, your company will suffer, too. At E3 Consulting, we understand the importance of wellness consulting for your remote workers. We offer mindfulness coaching, nutrition consulting, fitness services, acupuncture, stress mapping, and ergonomic planning as part of our holistic approach. Corporate wellness training will greatly improve the lives of your staff and the health of your business. Contact us today to learn more.

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