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The Importance of Ergonomics for Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness And Ergonomics Go Hand In Hand

If you were to be asked to describe your workplace, what phrase would you use? Perhaps you work in an office, and maybe cubicles or artificial lighting comes to mind. Is comfortable one of the phrases that comes to mind? Many employees sit all day or suffer from lower back pain on a daily basis. When it comes to workplace wellness, there simply has to be elements of ergonomics in play or wellness can’t be a complete picture.

What Is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science behind designing an employee’s workstation so that it is comfortable, productive, and efficient. From the position of your computer monitor to the lumbar support on your chair, the way you work can have an impact on your wellness. In order to prevent future injuries or issues down the line, practicing proper ergonomics is essential.

What Are Common Ergonomic Myths?

Perhaps you know you need better ergonomics in your workplace, but how do you go about getting them? Well, you go out and buy products with ‘ergonomic’ on them, right? Not quite. While you can purchase products to help you maintain proper ergonomics, you have to make sure they are fitted to the specific needs of your body. Buying things with a buzz word like “ergonomic” will only go so far.

What Do Ergonomic Experts With Offices Knew?

Good ergonomics doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money of products in the office. The most important component is education – showing employees how to optimize the tools that are available to them. Buying the right items only works if everyone in the office knows how to use them—and then uses them in the correct manner.

How Do Ergonomics And Workplace Wellness Coincide?

Ergonomics can affect energy and comfort levels without employees understanding the cause of the issue. When you’re not comfortable, or if you’re in pain for some reason or another, you’re not going to be nearly as productive or put in your peak performance at work. Small things can cause big negative effects, overall. Sometimes, all it takes is a small correction to the monitor level or a chair adjustment to eliminate soreness and alleviate injury possibilities in the future.

Counteracting Ergonomics And Workplace Wellness

As you work on adjusting computer screens, keyboards, and chair to the proper ergonomic levels and positions, another thing you can do to increase your wellness in the workplace is to simply get up and take breaks more often. Short, frequent breaks will give your body the change it needs to adjust and stretch out a bit. Drinking plenty of water can also have a positive impact on the way you feel. If you want to get tips on ergonomics and workplace wellness in general, contact E3 Consulting.

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