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Standing vs Sitting at Work, Which Is Better?

Standing During Work Brings Numerous Benefits

Science shows that being sedentary for extended periods of time can lead to numerous problems including back aches, poor posture, increased risk of disease, and mental health issues. Movement is so important for our overall health and wellbeing, yet so many of us still sit all day while we work. Ergonomics training and education has shed light on this phenomenon and companies are seeing a shift in people’s preferences of how they work. Even with increased numbers of people working from home, these shifts transcend home office and corporate offices. 

Benefits of Standing While Working

While everyone’s particular situations vary, overall, the benefits of standing throughout your workday greatly outweigh any potential negatives, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing. Today there are a variety of options for those looking to change up their work environment to create more opportunities for standing and movement. Here are five of the biggest benefits of incorporating standing into your regular work routine. 

  1. Increases Circulation

Have you ever sat for so long that your foot or leg falls asleep? Sitting for long periods of time can lead to poor blood circulation and decreased blood vessel health. On the other hand, standing or incorporating movement into your regular workday can have the opposite effect. Standing keeps your blood circulating and can even have positive long-term effects on your overall cardiovascular health. 

  1. Makes You Happier

Have you ever gone for a walk just to clear your head or take a break from a particularly stressful or difficult task? It helps right? Standing while you work can actually boost your mood and make you feel happier than you would if you were sitting. Standing while working has also been linked to increased focus and ultimately productivity. 

  1. Helps Weight Control

The simple fact is that standing burns more calories than sitting. So the longer you stand throughout your workday, versus sitting, you are doing your body a service. Standing also puts you in a better position to incorporate more movement. Maybe you pace around while on a call, or do some squats while thinking through a problem, or maybe even jogging in place to pep yourself up for a Zoom call. All of these things are more possible if you are already in a standing position. 

  1. Improves Posture

We’ve all caught ourselves slouched over at our desks while working through something. When sitting for long periods of time it is hard to maintain good posture. When standing we typically practice better posture which can aid in preventing back pain and bigger problems. 

  1. Ramps Up Energy

Sitting for long periods of time can lead to fatigue, trouble concentrating, and tiredness. Standing keeps us focused, awake, and alert, leading to increased energy throughout your day. 

Incorporating Standing Into Your Workspace

With more companies and individuals seeing the benefits of ergonomics, it is not surprising that many are turning to experts to help optimize their workspaces. At E3 Consulting we are dedicated to helping our clients live happier and healthier lives. Contact us today to discuss the options available to you. 

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