What Level Of Corporate Fitness Help Does Your Company Need?
Incorporating Holistic Corporate Fitness
The health and well being of your company’s employees make a difference in the way your company runs. You want the people around you to be happy and healthy and they have to take certain steps in their life to make that happen. If you want a higher level of corporate fitness, you first have to figure out how healthy your staff is and in what areas there is room for improvement. Whatever company wellness program you put into place will be more successful and show more results if you meet the correct needs. Here are some steps to help you figure out what corporate fitness your company needs help with.
Take A Workplace Health Checklist
The first thing to do is to complete a questionnaire that will give you insights as to where your company is strong and where it lacks. Based on your answers and the scores you receive, you can compare your company to others of its size and from the same industry to help you figure out how well you’re doing. Then, you’ll want to choose something to work on in one of the following areas.
Mindfulness Consulting
Mindfulness is being aware on a moment-to-moment basis. It’s powerful for people to pay attention, not only to what’s going on around them but also what is going on with their own health and well being. People that are mindful have lower stress levels, improved memories, lower blood pressure, less anxiety and depression, and other such things. If your employees can be mindful, they can balance their lives and manage their time better. If you feel that mindfulness is something that could benefit your company, consulting with a professional could help you get things on track.
Nutrition Consulting
It can be hard to eat right when all of the snacks that are easy to grab just aren’t good for you. If you feel your employees could use some holistic nutrition advice, they could gain information on how food affects their body to help them learn how to make healthy choices. Once the consulting takes place, employees could start to realize an energy increase and an immune system boost, among other things, which never hurts a business.
Corporate Fitness
Of course, you want higher morale and increased productivity and you can do that by allowing your employees to have fitness plans that fit in around their work. You might have group fitness training classes, incentive programs, exercise demonstrations and other such things to encourage, reward, and make fitness achievable.
Fitting Corporate Fitness Into The Workday
How do you fit healthy choices into the workday when there’s so much to do already? Think of how much more things will get done once a few changes are made. To help you address the right area, contact E3 Consulting. You can fill out the online assessment first to help you understand where your company stands and to aid you in getting started with the right range of consulting areas.