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What is Holistic Health and Wellness?

What is Holistic Health and Wellness 

The term “holistic” embraces the idea that our individual parts work together to create a whole person. In other words, everything is connected and if one thing is off-balance, it will create a ripple effect in our health. Clinical points of view treat individual symptoms as they come while holistic views believe in treating the body as a whole to tackle the root cause. At E3 Consulting, we believe that a holistic approach to health and wellness is the key to a strong and productive workforce. It begins with an understanding of how the mind, body, and spirit work together.


The mind is the source of our thoughts and emotions. When we lose control of our mind, either through illness or poor lifestyle choices, we are often left with physical and spiritual health issues. Negative thoughts and feelings produce high blood pressure, memory problems, a loss of personal worth, and an ability to have healthy relationships. All of these things affect productivity and overall wellness. E3 can teach your staff to practice mindfulness, a method that involves increasing our awareness of our thoughts and responses.


All the physical, tangible parts of your anatomy make up the body. And like a machine, if one of these parts isn’t functioning properly, it will affect how the other parts work as well. For example, if you don’t drink enough water, you’ll end up with a headache. This headache will likely slow down your responsive time, decrease your efficiency, and thwart your ability to sleep. And when you don’t feel well, it’s easy to become depressed or anxious. Proper nutrition and exercise are necessary to keep your body, mind, and ultimately spirit well.


Your spirit is often thought of as your essence. It encompasses your values, sense of purpose, and how you connect with others. Our interaction with one another is the biggest influence on our spirit, as it shapes how we see the world. Team building exercises, open communication, and morale activities can help improve the health of your employees’ spirits and give them the motivation they need to complete their tasks.

How E3 Can Transform Your Company with Holistic Health and Wellness

A company is not a single entity; it is the sum of its parts — its employees. And if your employees are unwell, your company will suffer, too. E3 Consulting offers mindfulness coaching, nutrition consulting, fitness services, acupuncture, stress mapping, and ergonomic planning. Our corporate health and wellness training will greatly improve the lives of your staff and, in turn, improve the health of your business.

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