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Three Ways Health and Wellness Impact Productivity

Three Ways Health and Wellness Impact Productivity

For years, employers looked at health and wellness through the lense of corporate healthcare costs. If they did invest in wellness programs, it was merely to decrease healthcare expenses. However, according to the non-profit Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), employers have noticed a correlated increase in productivity. With this evidence, more companies have decided to implement health and wellness programs to increase productivity.

Of course, there are some businesses that are on the fence about it. This is because productivity loss is difficult to measure. Thankfully, researchers have done their due diligence to make the connection between poor health and low productivity. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index estimates that those who don’t exercise are 50% more likely to have poor working habits. Additionally, employees with an unhealthy diet are 66% more likely to exhibit low productivity. But why? Here are three ways health and wellness impacts productivity.  

Healthy Employees Show Up

Workers who are physically and emotionally healthy are more apt to show up for work. They’ll take fewer sick days and less time off for medical appointments. They’re also less likely to be late due to sleep trouble and morning grogginess. As an added benefit, healthy employees are also less inclined to quit. 

There are a variety of reasons why someone may leave a job, but health concerns are among them. Also, if a worker feels emotionally drained and undervalued, why would they want to stay? High job turnover can have significant impacts on productivity. Each time someone puts in their 2-week notice, you’re going to waste precious time on hiring and training a new employee.

Healthy Employees Remain Focused

Exercise and clean eating will give your body what it needs to function properly. If an employee has unhealthy habits, they’ll be plagued with sleep trouble, brain fog, and attention deficits. Certain health conditions can also cause distracting pain and fatigue. Additionally, mental health issues and stress can impact a worker’s ability to remain focused. When an employee has trouble staying focused, they’ll lose valuable time and productivity. 

Healthy Employees Stay Motivated

An employee’s overall well-being is connected to their drive to perform. It’s hard to stay motivated when you feel stressed, depressed, tired, or unwell. Eliminate those health concerns and your employee suddenly has a reason to get up every morning. When a worker feels well and has the tools to stay motivated, they will be more productive.

E3’s Health and Wellness Programs Will Positively Impact Productivity

The evidence is clear: healthy employees are present, focused, motivated, and therefore, more productive. So what does this mean for your business? You can boost your company’s productivity with E3 Consulting’s corporate health and wellness programs. Nutrition and fitness, mindfulness training, and acupuncture are tools we can use to improve your staff’s well-being. Still hesitant? Read our client testimonials to see what our programs can do to enhance your company’s performance.

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