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How to Prevent or Reduce Work-Related Back Pain

Back Pain: One of the Biggest Concerns in Ergonomics Consulting

back experiencing back pain due to lack of ergonomicsOne of the most common concerns we hear among office employees of all ages, in all different industries is back pain. While office jobs don’t necessarily seem strenuous, they can actually contribute to chronic back pain in many unsuspecting people. Without you even realizing  it, your seemingly-comfortable sitting job could be destroying your back.

Because back pain is such a common concern among so many individuals, we make sure to address it in all of our ergonomics consulting programs. If you’re already experiencing work-related back pain or you’d like to prevent the problem from ever occurring, we’d like to help. Here are some of our most effective tips for preventing or reducing back pain.

How to Prevent Back Pain Through Workplace Ergonomics

Maybe you’ve just started an office job for the first time or you’ve been lucky enough to avoid any excess stress on your spine thus far. Either way, if you’re not already struggling with back pain, preventing it from ever occurring is your best plan of action. Some of the best ways to do this include:

  • Setting up your ergonomic workstation. You can find ergonomic chairs, desks, keyboards, and other office supplies to help you maintain proper posture and avoid excess stress on your back or neck.
  • Sitting properly at your desk, regardless of the chair. Sit with your feet planted on the floor, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Don’t cross your legs, as doing so can affect the straightness of your spine, prevent your shoulders from staying in place, and interrupt the blood flow to your legs.
  • Take frequent breaks to avoid sitting in one position for too long, as this is one of the most common contributors to back pain. Try to get up from your desk at least once an hour to stand up and stretch or walk around for a few minutes.
  • Sleep right. While this isn’t something you can do at the office, sleeping enough and in a position that supports your spine can help prevent back pain during the day.

How to Reduce Back Pain Through At-Home Ergonomics

Are you already suffering from back pain? If it’s severe enough to interrupt your daily life, you may want to talk to your doctor about other causes and potential treatment options. For less severe back pain, some of the most effective ways to reduce it include:

    • Doing yoga. You could go to a yoga class or try a few poses at home. Mountain Pose, Standing Forward Fold, Cat & Cow Pose, and Cobra Pose are great for beginners and can help relieve back pain.
    • Applying heat to chronic back pain. Avoid using ice to treat your sore muscles, as it can actually increase your muscle spasms and trigger points. Heat can help reduce muscle spasms and stress when used correctly.
    • Using foam rollers or lacrosse balls. Both of these tools are inexpensive and easy to use. You can find exercises online, showing you how to relieve trigger points (muscle knots) through self-massage.
  • Treating yourself to a massage. Relax your body and your mind at the same time by treating yourself to a massage. This can help relieve back pain and help improve your mental well-being as well.


About the Author

  1. Andy Harrison Reply

    There are a lot of us that are either sitting all day, or on our feet. With both, our backs will get sore one way or another. That’s why it’s important to take care of our bodies so that we don’t hurt ourselves. Like you said, taking frequent breaks would be a good idea to help alleviate any pain. Also, using ergonomic methods would help!

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