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How to Reset Your Office for 2022

New Year, New You, New Office

We have become accustomed to most things in our lives being customized for us. Our beds can now adjust for temperature, motion control, and incline. Our sofas can recline, have cup holders, heck some even have built in coolers! Our cars have heated seats, are self driving, and self adjusting to fit our bodies when we get in them. So why is it that we settle for standard when it comes to our home office setup? Our offices are a place where many of us spend a majority of our time, whether it is in our own homes or in a corporate setting. 

How to Revamp Your Office

Whenever you are thinking about revamping your office space, it is important to break things down into two categories. The first is the smaller changes that you can make with existing equipment, furniture, and accessories and the second is what you will want to invest in. By going through this process you will significantly improve your overall health and wellness while you work. 

Start Small With Existing Supplies

Start by assessing your immediate work space. Are you able to sit at your desk or table with your back straight, feet on the ground, and arms bent at ninety degrees to reach your keyboard. You can make some small adjustments right off the bat by either swapping out the chair you use for one that is more compatible or propping up your keyboard with something so it is at the right height. You can use books under your feet or a rolled up towel behind your back for lumbar support as well. 


The same goes for your monitor. If you find that your monitor is too low and you are looking down at it, use some books or a container to prop it up to eye level so that you are looking straight at it. 


Next, assess your lighting situation. If you have access to natural light, make sure you move your immediate workspace as close to it as possible. Supplement with ample overhead and task lighting where necessary. 

Make Smart Investments to Help Long-term

Now that you’ve considered your workspace with the items you already have on hand, it’s time to consider what you need to invest in. Start with the biggest areas first, your desk, chair, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and back support. Ideally you want to make yourself as comfortable as possible so that achieving a neutral posture is effortless with your setup. 


Consider investing in an adjustable standup desk to really optimize your ability to move around. Investing in an ergonomic chair that has ample lumbar support can make a world of difference as well. Most are adjustable and can go up or down to accommodate your ideal neutral position regardless of your height. If you invest in those two items you will be in really good shape. 


If you are trying to achieve the same result without quite so much budget, consider monitor stands and foot rests so that you can keep your monitor at the ideal height, and your feet on the ground despite the chair you are working with. 


Finally, seek out training programs to educate yourself more on the ins and outs of ergonomics and how you can incorporate these practices into your personal and professional lives. 

Get the Support You Need

The best way to go ergonomic in the new year is to consult with experts who can help you optimize your workspace and learn more in depth about this lifestyle practice. At E3 we specialize in ergonomic programs and training to help your business cultivate an environment that people want to work in! 

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