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Make a Positive Change in Your Workplace With Ergonomic Training Programs

Implement Ergonomics With Ergonomic Training Programs

What is ergonomics? Ergonomics is defined as the science of fitting and designing any workplace to best improve both efficiency and productivity. E3 stands for Ergonomics Equals Excellence. Through our available training programs, we create customized ergonomic solutions for effective, healthy offices. 

Orientation Training 

E3 Consulting offers employee orientation training that can be held in the morning, lunch, or in the afternoon during the workday. Classes are about 90 minutes long, which includes instruction and employee participation. Through a provided powerpoint presentation, employees will learn about how proper ergonomics can affect their lives at work and home, the causes and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders, how to communicate if you have a musculoskeletal disorder, posture for working on computers and laptops, ergonomic workstation and equipment placement, and the importance of physical and mental health while working. During the class, employees will be asked to identify examples of bad ergonomics and be able to properly correct them. 

Ergonomics Refresher Courses

After an employee attends the orientation training either in person or online, they will take the Online Ergonomic Training Refresher Course and Ergonomic Quiz. This gives employees the opportunity to review the ergonomic orientation training classes. It is suggested that the online training should be completed a week after undergoing the orientation training. 

Training for Supervisors and Managers

E3 provides training for supervisors and managers of businesses. During this two hour class, they will learn how to read online pre-evaluation ergonomics reports, how to conduct ergonomic reviews, how to set up a work environment using proper ergonomics, how to comprehend the anatomy and physiology of workplace injuries, understand the signs of potential injuries, and how to best explain the ergonomics process to their employees. 


Train-the-trainers gives two or more employees the opportunity to perform ergonomic orientation training classes and evaluations for their business. This occurs over the span of three days. During the first day, they will learn how to teach their fellow employees when it comes time for an orientation training class. At the end of this day, the trainers should be able to answer questions in regard to ergonomics. During the following two days, trainers will be given web based ergonomic software, also known as Health Trac Pro. This software benefits trainers because it identifies and documents existing ergonomic problems, provides recommendations for improving problems, makes employee-specific product-based corrections, and provides and documents follow-ups for thirty, sixty, and ninety days. 

Online Ergonomic Training Brochure

E3 Consulting will develop an online ergonomic training brochure based on the culture of the company. It will use the company’s brand guidelines, ergonomic philosophy, proper posture for using computers or other devices, and different exercises and stretches that can be used. 

Enhance Your Workplace With Ergonomic Training Programs from E3 Consulting 

If you’re looking to enhance your company’s office ergonomics, contact E3 Consulting today. With our training programs, your employees will be able to improve their overall comfort, health, and stress levels.

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