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A Guide to Staying Stress-Free During the Holidays

Lifestyle Choices to Mitigate Holiday Stress

As we enter the fall season, people begin to experience excess stress stemming from the impending holiday season. A typically-festive time, many find the pressure and expectations tough to bear. Hopefully, this article will help turn your holiday wear-and-tear back into holiday cheer.

Plan Ahead

It may feel obvious, but one of the best ways to manage stress around the holidays is to prevent it. Spend a day listing everything you need to do, from the biggest (most-overwhelming) activities to the smallest things, that almost feel as though they don’t need listing. Pick days for each item, and stick to your to-do list. It’s best to assume that things will take longer than expected, especially during the winter months. Meal prep for the week and for Friendsgiving, lay out outfits ahead of time regardless of occasion, and buy gifts as you find them so there’s no last minute searching. Don’t do everything at once, but when presented with extra time, do try to get ahead if you’re up for it!

Stay Healthy

It might not always seem possible, but maintaining good health during the holidays is possible…and necessary. Enforcing the daily routine you’re used to can add a dose of stability to an otherwise hectic time of year. Eat nutritionally and holistically, like our E3 Consulting nutritionists would suggest. Get outside in the mood-boosting sunlight during the limited hours it’s available, even if it means waking up a tad earlier. Don’t restrict yourself, but instead modify workouts and meals to remain healthy and beneficial without overwhelming yourself. Future-you will thank you.

Take Alone Time

The holidays can feel packed. It seems like every second is spent trying to accomplish something: planning a get-together, contacting family and friends, planning seasonal cards, deciding on meals, and going shopping for the perfect holiday gift. What’s most important, at the root of everything you do to prepare, is you. Taking time to relax, spending a moment alone, and even meditating can be more than beneficial.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Especially in conjunction with waning sunlight, there’s a number of people that feel stress this time of year. Don’t get down on yourself for the way you feel; every emotion you experience is valid. Part of overcoming stress is acknowledging the roots of it, understanding it’s temporary, and letting yourself feel without belittling your emotions. If it feels like your stress is baseless and overwhelming, try journaling or keeping a mood journal to track your emotions throughout the day and determine their cause.

Talk to People

If there’s a season to utilize mindfulness, this is it! As you work through your feelings of stress and anxiety, try turning to trusted friends, family members, and coworkers to express your feelings. Reaching out and talking to them helps you gather your thoughts, and they may have useful insight or advice you hadn’t yet considered.

E3 Keeps You Stress-Free

Thanksgiving around the corner, and winter holidays just a month away: it can be stressful, and E3 Consulting understands. Think you need a little extra help or advice? No worries! E3 offers the perfect health management and stress mapping consulting to get you through the holidays with ease.

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