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5 Health Benefits from Using a Height-Adjustable Desk

Standing Desks and the Benefits They Provide

It is a known fact that the more you get up and move around, the better. Sitting sedentary for long periods of time has been linked to health issues such as chronic back pain, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Working a job that requires you to sit hunched-over in front of a computer screen all day is really not an excuse anymore. There are many options when it comes to alternatives to the traditional work desk, and more people are investing in these life-changing solutions. Whether you are back at the office, or telecommuting from home, getting a standing desk can really pay off in the long run!

5 Health Benefits of Adjustable-Height Desks

  1. Reduced Back Pain – Posture is so important to make sure your alignment is good and for preventing pain. Sitting for long periods of time makes us more prone to poor posture, but the more you stand up throughout the day the less likely you are to experience those aches and pains. The great part of adjustable desks is that they allow you the comfort of sitting when needed, but also adapt to allow you to stand to add some variety to your day without cutting productivity. 
  2. Increased Energy – Have you ever felt sluggish and tired after sitting for too long? The best remedy for this is to stand up or move around a little to get your blood flowing and increase your energy levels. Standing desks give you this freedom and make you more likely to get up and move around during your work day. 
  3. Lose Weight While Working – You burn more calories while you stand, so increasing the percentage of your day that you spend standing versus sitting can help with weight loss and reduce the likelihood of obesity. 
  4. Cardiovascular Health – Sitting for long periods of time is found to be so detrimental to your cardiovascular system, in most cases it can’t be undone by incorporating a workout into your day. Your body was made to move, so ensuring that you stand for a greater percentage of your day will significantly improve your heart health. 
  5. Live Longer – By reducing your likelihood of cardiovascular disease, weight related issues, and improving your overall health it isn’t surprising to learn that standing will ultimately help you live longer. In addition to the physical health benefits, standing has been strongly linked to overall improvement of mental health and increased happiness!

How to Choose the Right Desk For You

Now that we’ve convinced you that you need a standing desk, how do you choose one that’s right for you? Here are some factors to consider when purchasing an adjustable height desk: 

  • Make sure the desk adjusts up and down so that you can sit comfortably with your elbow bent on top of the desk and stand comfortably with your elbows bent on top of the desk. This is the ideal height you should use the desk at for each position. 
  • Ensure your adjustable desk area includes enough room for your monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. so everything can move with you. 
  • Consider features like how much work is involved in raising and lowering the desk to make sure it isn’t too time consuming. 
  • Get a desk with a foot rest so that you have something to prop your foot up on while standing. 
  • Think about investing in ergonomic training to help learn about all of the comprehensive benefits of living a more mindful and intentional lifestyle. A new desk can be just the beginning!

E3 Consulting is Here to Help

With the increasing amount of options available in the ergonomic industry, it is easy to get overwhelmed when choosing a desk that is right for you. Contact us today to discuss programs and training opportunities for individuals and companies.

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