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How Employees Can Beat the Afternoon Slump

Tackling The Afternoon Slump As An Employee

The afternoon slump is a common phenomenon that most employees are familiar with. Many of us face fatigue, sluggishness, and lack of focus after lunchtime—sound familiar? It can disrupt your workday and lower your productivity. Luckily for you, there are many ways you can avoid experiencing this once and for all. Learn more about the afternoon slump and check out these tips to power through your day with productivity!

What Causes the Afternoon Slump?

The answer may be more scientific than you think. The body’s circadian rhythm is responsible for changes in mood and energy throughout the day. Most of us associate the circadian rhythm with sleep cycles, but it also prompts a natural drop in energy that occurs after lunchtime.

Other factors can exacerbate your afternoon slump, including:

  • Poor Sleep Quality
  • Not Getting Enough Exercise
  • Improper Nutrition

Office Environments Can Make Afternoon Drowsiness Worse

Many offices don’t have the tools or structures in place to provide healthy work environments. Oftentimes, employees face long work hours sitting in meetings or staring at a computer screen. Doing the same thing for hours can cause you to feel sluggish and make you lose focus. 

A midday interruption in productivity can negatively impact the work day. These quick changes are some easy solutions you can implement in your day!

Get Back On Track With These Changes

Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try these hacks to combat the slump:

  1. Fuel up on nutritious food. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbs in the morning can prevent crashing in the afternoon. Opt for meals that are rich in healthy carbs, protein, fiber, and vitamins! Pack fruits, nuts, and more in your lunch bag to snack on throughout the day.
  2. Drink lots of water. Dehydration negatively impacts your whole body and leads to fatigue. Consider bringing a 64 oz reusable water bottle to work everyday. This is a  great way to remind yourself to stay hydrated throughout the day. A common mistake some make is loading up on caffeine to stay awake, when water is a more helpful solution.
  3. Don’t forget to move! If your day is spent sitting at a desk, try switching positions, standing, stretching or going for a walk. This will keep your energy levels high. Moving your body is also a great way to de-stress and stepping away from work for a while can help you return with a new level of focus. These mini breaks can always lighten your mood throughout the day. The best work environment is one where all employees are happy and ready to work!

Encouraging a healthier work environment and implementing positive changes will increase overall productivity (and employee happiness)!

Schedule An Appointment With E3 Consulting To Build A Better Workplace

Here at E3, we offer customized solutions to improve your office culture. After all, employee wellness is key to making your business successful.

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