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Work From Home Essentials

Work From Home Essentials 

COVID-19 and the technological age have both changed the way we work. Few people are gathering in cramped offices and more are taking up the work-from-home lifestyle. This work setup results in lower overhead for companies and less risk for spreading germs. If you or your employees have started to work from home, here are some essentials to create the best environment.

A Dedicated Work Space

Most experts will agree that it is important to have a separate space for working. To effectively work at home, you don’t want to mix your work with your personal space. Setting up shop at the kitchen table may keep your mind on food or chores. And there’s nothing stopping you from drifting off when you’re working from your bed or couch. Even if you don’t have a home office, you can clear a space for a desk, ideally an ergonomic one. Depending on your working style, you can also choose a stand-up desk or a drafting table for extra comfort. Either way, a designated workspace will keep you comfortable and focused.

An Ergonomic Chair

Put aside that plastic fold-up chair and give your body the support it deserves. Investing in an ergonomic chair may be the best thing you can do, providing you with comfort, increased blood flow, and decreased aches and pains. An ergonomic mesh chair is our top choice as it provides a breathable surface and adjustable features to tailor the chair to your body. If it’s not in your budget to buy a new chair, you can boost your existing chair with a seat cushion or attachable lumbar support.

A Comfortable Display Setup

Find a display screen that’s large enough to see clearly and adjust the base so that the screen is eye level. Having the screen too high or low can put strain on your neck, leading to muscle pain and headaches. If you can’t adjust the base, consider buying a display screen mount or monitor stand. In a pinch, you can prop the monitor up on a box or stack of books. 

Additionally, protect your eyes by dimming the screen light and using a blue light blocking screen protector. A soft desk lamp will provide a more appropriate light that won’t strain or dry out your eyes.

Laptop Accessories 

Working from a laptop can feel cramped. Using an external keyboard and mouse will open up your posture and create a more comfortable at-home workspace. You can even find keyboards and mice with ergonomic designs to fit your wrists’ natural position. Headphones are another laptop accessory you’ll need if your home tends to be loud. Noise-canceling headphones can help you stay focused and hear clearer during calls or video meetings.

A Desk Tray

When you have your arms raised to reach your keyboard, you’ll aggravate your shoulders, back, and neck. The goal is to keep your arms as close to your lap as possible. A desk tray will solve this problem. Some desks are already equipped with one and you simply need to place your external keyboard and mouse on it. If your desk doesn’t have one, you can purchase one to attach to either your desk or chair arms.

Contact E3 Consulting For More Work From Home Essentials 

If you’re having trouble designing your home office, E3 Consulting will know what to do. Our experts will help you apply industry ergonomic techniques to your at-home office. We specialize in ergonomic workstation design and implementation as well as tutorials and webinars. E3 Consulting even has special programs for telecommuting. Contact our team today and start working more efficiently!

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