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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What Causes Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that gets worse over time. This condition is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your hands. The median nerve is one of the main nerves located in your hand. This nerve travels down the upper arm, across the elbow, and into the forearm. This nerve is responsible for the feeling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. This nerve also controls the muscles around the base of the thumb. 

When the median nerve is compressed, you may begin to feel symptoms of numbness, tingling, and weakness in both your hands and arm. Long-term pressure on the median nerve can leave to nerve damage and worsening symptoms. 

Carpel tunnel syndrome can be caused by many factors. Studies have shown that women and the elderly are more likely to develop these conditions. For some, Carpel tunnel syndrome can be heredity. 

Other causes include:

Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause swelling and pressure on the nerve. 

Other health conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders. 

Stress on your hands: Doing strenuous activities on your hands for a long period of time can cause swelling that puts pressure on the nerve. Activities that involve flexion or extension on the hand and wrist can also increase pressure on the nerve.

Symptoms of Carpal tunnel syndrome are often painful and can lead to discomfort while doing activities with your hands and arms. As the condition worsens, the pain can be more consistent and worsen. 

Those with carpal tunnel syndrome may experience:

  • Numbness, tingling, and pain in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. 
  • Pain and tingling sensation that extends to your shoulders and arm.
  • Weakened hand muscles may cause you to drop things and struggle to do normal activities. 
  • Frequent shock-like sensations in your hands.

Can carpel tunnel be treated?

When dealing with Carpel Tunnel syndrome, it’s important that you begin treatment as soon as the symptoms arise. Without proper treatment, your condition may worsen. Treatment includes surgery or ergonomic equipment to help relieve you of pain. 

For non-surgical treatment, it’s recommended that you wear bracing or splinting if you have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Wearing a brace or splint while sleeping can keep your wrist straight and reduce pressure on the nerve. You can even wear this equipment in the daytime while doing activities that could aggravate your symptoms. A doctor might recommend you take anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone injections to relieve pain and inflammation.

Outside of changing your daily routine, physical therapy can also help relieve your symptoms. Nerve gliding exercises can help the median nerve move freely.

Can Carpel Tunnel Syndrome be prevented?

There are no known ways to fully prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. However, there are ways you can reduce the stress on your hands and prevent your symptoms from worsening. 

Here are some tips to practice while you’re working:

  • Invest in a better mouse: While working, it’s important to use a mouse that is comfortable for your hand and wrist. Shop for one that doesn’t strain your wrist. 
  • Take note of the temperature in your office: If you’re working in a cold environment, you are more likely to develop pain and stiffness in your hand and muscles. If you are unable to change the temperate, try wearing fingerless gloves. 
  • Practice better typing form: While typing, it’s best to adopt a relaxed position. Avoid bending your wrist while typing and keep your keyboard at elbow height. 
  • Improve your back posture: Bad posture puts pressure on the nerves in your neck and shoulder muscles. This can pain in the neck, wrists, fingers, and hands. Practice better pressure!

E3 Consulting is here to help you discover a healthier way to work. Connect with our team to learn more about our ergonomic services

We offer training programs to teach individuals in your office about proper ergonomics so they can implement them in your office. By doing so, they can prevent injury and create a happier and healthier work environment. 

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