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Things To Avoid While Working From Home

When Working From Home, Here Are The Things To Avoid

As the pandemic disrupted our lives, many businesses opted for employees to work from home in order to not halt their businesses. Many employees have adjusted quickly by building their own home offices and adjusting their daily work schedules. Some offices have even offered a hybrid working approach that allows employees to alternate between working from home and working from the office. Both styles of working have one goal in mind – to keep the productivity level high while aiming to keep their employees comfortable and safe. 

At some businesses, employees are continuing to work from home full-time with many employers hoping to continue using this modern work model indefinitely. That means no longer having to commute to the office, the office is now permanently their home. If you fall into that category, it’s important that your current work setup keeps you on the pace of professional and personal success. 

In the comfort of your own home, sometimes you can pick up bad habits without even realizing it. No longer having peers around you to motivate you to strive for success can affect your approach to daily work. Here are some things to avoid while working from home.

Decreasing your productivity 

Sometimes having too much freedom can help you take your eye off the ball. While working remotely, it’s important that you remember that this new flexible schedule doesn’t mean you can avoid your work responsibility. It’s important to stay engaged during your work so you’re always challenging yourself and presenting work that you’re proud of. Setting clear goals daily can help you always reach your goals of productivity and help you maintain a healthy work flow.

Not setting up a designated work space 

Working remotely means you can work in a space that you choose. Therefore, it’s important that you choose a working space wisely. Waking up and heading to a designated spot in your home, is part of a healthy routine that puts your mind in “work mode”.  An organized place to work keeps things organized. Choosing a quiet spot can help you think clearly and is a great choice for conducting meetings. 

Working in random places in your home like your bed or the couch aren’t recommended. Those are places that are around distractions. They’re also not suitable while working on a computer. It can cause posture issues for you in the long run. An office space is all about being comfortable, focused, and ready to work. You don’t want to find yourself in a space that has you distracted and ready for an extended nap.

If your home doesn’t have any quiet places for you to work from, consider heading to a local library or a local café. These are great places that feature desks and internet connection. For those who love being around other people, you’ll most likely find other professionals working there too. You can even plan to work together at a place with a coworker!

Not being in touch with your team

The difference between working from home and the office is the distance between you and your team. You’re no longer able to just walk over to their desk to ask important questions or work alongside them on an important work assignment. Adjusting to the work from home or hybrid working model means you’re communicating mostly online. Therefore it’s crucial for you to be accessible to your team during work hours on a constant basis for the workflow to continue moving steady. It helps everyone manage what work needs to be done and the progress you’ve made on your own work.

Communication also helps the work culture that was established in the office, continue during remote work. With the new work structure, it’s important that the teams still feel like a connected unit, with healthy dialogue and strong connections. Being inaccessible can make others believe you’re no longer focused on the team and disengaged with the work.

Not prioritizing your health

Working from home means your workday doesn’t include commuting, going out for lunch with your coworkers, and other outdoor trips. This can put you in a routine where you’re stuck in one spot and not keeping your body active. This can also lead to stress eating and loading up on caffeine to cope with mid-day slumps. 

Not only can this affect your work, but it can also lead to a health decline. It’s important that you stay active and break up the work day with mid-day walks. A breath of fresh air or a pre-work workout can energize you and make you feel refreshed. 

Not incorporating downtime could be detrimental to your health, which can lead to you experiencing workplace burnout. This will put you in a slump where you no longer feel motivated to do the things you’re passionate about. It’s important that you continue to prioritize your physical and mental health in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

If You’re Interested In Improving The Work From Home Spaces For Your Team – E3 Consulting Is Here To Help.

We believe employees do not have to compromise ergonomic health and safety while working from home. With our creative solutions and expert knowledge we can revamp how your team works from home. It won’t only improve employee productivity, but you’ll have a team comfortable and happier to work.

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