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Poor Habits That Are Affecting Your Wellness

Getting Your Wellness On Track

As much as we all hate to admit it, no one is perfect. Everyone has a few bad habits, but  a lot of these lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on your health that you really shouldn’t ignore. Luckily, there are things you can do to correct this and make a positive change in your life. Here are a couple of habits to note. If you have them, see what you can do to make even small changes that could add up over time.

Habit 1: Negative Self-Talk

Most of us have inner dialogue running throughout the day. If you are positive about your life, you might tell yourself that you’re doing great or that you can do it. Negative thoughts, however, can really drag you down. You might tell yourself that you’re not good enough or that you’ll never get it. Changing your mindset can make a difference in the way you see the world, the way you see yourself, and the way others see you. It might feel awkward affirming yourself in your mind at first, but once it becomes a habit, you’ll notice a difference.

Habit 2: Avoiding Floss

While you brush your teeth two, or maybe even three, times a day, how often do you floss? It’s actually something that is important, and not just for your teeth. When you keep up with good oral hygiene, the rest of your body will stay in line as well. Flossing helps break down bacteria that can harm the internal organs if too much of it builds up. Floss once a day—it’s for your own good.

Habit 3: Skimping On Sleep

You know you should get in a full 8 hours, but is it really a big deal to get by on 6? Maybe not on rare occasions, but when you get a lousy night’s rest on a regular basis, you are more apt to have things like high blood pressure, depression, and heart disease. Plus, you might feel like you are in a fog at all times. You’ll be more productive, more focused, and happier in general with the right amount of sleep.

Habit 4: Poor Ergonomics

Slouching is natural when you work at a desk job. With mobile devices in hand and necks craning to look at them on a regular basis, it’s no wonder that more people are slouching and engaging in poor ergonomics. Poor posture can contribute to a number of degenerative ailments that can give you trouble for years. No one wants to live in pain and paying attention to how you sit and operate when you are at the computer is a small price to pay to live a pain-free life.

Wellness Coaching Is For You

If you’d like to see what you are doing habit-wise that could contributing to your health and wellness, contact E3 Consulting. You can learn about ergonomics and other wellness-related items to help you make even small improvements in your lifestyle and workspace. Remember– it’s the little things that matter. Even doing small things like flossing, sitting up straight, and sleeping one more hour, can make a big impact in your health and overall quality of living.

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