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The Science Behind Stress Mapping

Measuring Stress in the Body

When it comes to your office space, E3 Consulting puts you first. Part of being the leader in office ergonomics, design, health, and wellness programs means customizing solutions for your employees’ stress. We’ve always worked to improve overall employee health, comfort, and well-being, which is what drove our advancements in stress mapping technology. Used alone or in conjunction with our other health and wellness counseling programs, this software gives your employees the resources to monitor, track, analyze, and better their health through their personal mobile device.

Introducing: Dr. Eric Topol

E3 Consulting’s Executive Monitoring Service was inspired by none other than Dr. Eric Topol. Dr. Topol is the Executive VP of Scripps Research, the Director & Founder of Scripps Research Translational Institute, and a professor of molecular medicine. His research has been centered around understanding people on an individual level in order to better their healthcare plan. Upon learning about Topol’s ground-breaking technology, we worked to develop a similar stress mapping software.

Physical Stress Mapping

Physical stress mapping concerns the environment in which a person experiences stress. While open-concept offices have gained popularity, employees actually tend to feel that their work is hampered in such a non-divided space. With so many people in an open room, the office can actually become overwhelming or distracting. Physical stress mapping addresses where in an office stress is caused or experienced, and formulates a plan for adding areas of respite for breaks. These spots serve as places for employees to go for short breaks in order to recharge, which positively affects memory, mood, and more. Our founder and president Joy Boese notes that, “Encouraging employees to be mindful of their own needs, and to recognize when they need to step away for a quiet moment to recharge, is also a critical component to surviving in the modern workplace.”

Sensor Stress Mapping

Sensor-based stress mapping relates to an individual employee and their experience with stress on a personal level. Monitoring devices and body sensors are used to gather data about a client’s stress levels. Due to improvements in data sharing technologies, all results can be viewed by the user on their personal mobile device. Systems like these improve the ability of workers to track their health in real time. This gives the opportunity for employees to take breaks, grab a snack, or make other adjustments that better their stress levels. Plus, employees have the chance to track changes across days, weeks, and months, allowing for assessment of health on a day-to-day basis. All of this information is stored in the cloud, easily accessed from an Android or iPhone.

E3’s Executive Monitoring Service

E3 Consulting’s Executive Monitoring Service is the best way to ensure your employees have the option to track their health. Healthy employees have been shown to be far more productive, creative, and focused than those who aren’t in great health. Small changes can make big differences, and being aware of their health gives employees the power to make such changes. Our service tracks, combines, analyzes, and synchronizes bio data streams, presenting them in an easy-to-understand manner.

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